Friends of Roscomare Community Fundraisers & Events

Friends of Roscomare finances the valuable educational enrichments at Roscomare including technology, art, music/dance, PE, an extra teacher to reduce class sizes, classroom aides, library books, online educational programs for students, buses for field trips, STEAM Night, gardener, campus repairs/improvements, and more.



Annual Giving (August/September) — DONATE HERE

  • We ask for a voluntary donation of $1,200 per student. For families that can afford to give more, please consider giving $1,500 per student.
  • All Annual Giving contributions directly enhance the educational experience of our Roscomare children and all families are asked to join the community and contribute.
  • Payment plans, matching gifts, and other financial arrangements are available.
  • All Annual Giving contributions are 100% tax deductible - F.O.R. is a 501(c)3 Tax ID 95-3995859
  • Checks can be made out to “Friends of Roscomare” or “Roscomare School Booster Club”
  • Corporate Matching: Many companies are willing to match gifts that their employees make to nonprofit organizations like Roscomare. To find out whether your employer might match your gift, please consult your company’s human resources department.

Classroom Fund (August/September)

  • We ask for a voluntary donation of $125 per student.
  • Separate from Annual Giving, this fund is used for your child’s specific class to fund parties, supplies, gifts for teachers and aides, as well as field trip admission fees. 

KidChilla (October) — PURCHASE HERE

  • Families won’t want to miss this Fall-themed festival held on Saturday, October 5. Tickets will go on sale in September as well as optional sponsorship opportunities for families and businesses. 

Dance-A-Thon (November) and Spell-A-Thon (February)

  • Our goal is $100+ raised per child per event. Sponsor your student and ask friends/family to do the same!

Annual Gala (April)

  • Silent & Live Auction Donations: Ask businesses you frequent, friends, or family to donate items to the auction. Donation requests start before Winter Break with all items needed by early March. 
  • Parents are encouraged to attend the Gala event. Ticket cost TBD (generally ~$250/ticket depending on VIP or standard table). Ticket sales begin in February. Parents who can’t make the event can still participate in the online silent auction benefiting Roscomare.   

Other Events/Fundraisers

  • Restaurant Nights – Islands, CPK, etc. meal purchases support the 5th Grade Culmination Fund.
  • Party Books – Purchase tickets and attend one of the hosted events throughout the year.
  • Charleston Gift Wrap – Family and friends can purchase gift wrap and gifts. Items ship directly to the purchaser making this easy for family members throughout the country to participate.   
  • Scholastic Book Fair (November) – Students can purchase books and items such as pens and bookmarks with proceeds benefiting Roscomare.  
  • Ralphs Community Rewards (FREE) – Register your Ralphs Rewards Card with the Community Rewards program so Roscomare earns money each time you shop. Login to your Ralphs Rewards account or call 1-800-443-4438 to register, Roscomare’s Non-Profit Organization (NPO) number is SC176.
  • Roscomare Gives Back — Optional Charity Collections including Socktober sock donation collection, Halloween Candy Drive, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Winter Holiday Toy Drive.  


Teacher Appreciation Activities

  • Teacher Appreciation Week (early May) — Room parents provide a daily gift list to help shower your teacher with love (students bring a flower, small gift card, lottery ticket, heartfelt handmade card, etc.).  At the end of the week, classroom funds will be used for a larger gift card from the class.
  • Grade Level Monthly Breakfasts — Each grade level will organize one breakfast for our Roscomare teachers and staff. Optional contributions of items, food, or money will be requested. 5th Grade kicks off the year and we go in reverse order with each grade assigned a month and date to host. More information to follow from your room parents.
  • Teacher/Aide Gift Cards — Classroom fund donations cover teacher gift cards for their birthdays, holidays, teacher appreciation week, and end-of-the-year. 


Roscomare Gifting Policies

  • Families are welcome to provide additional gifts to their classroom teacher and aides, but gifts from individual families must adhere to LAUSD gifting restrictions per school year.
  • Some families may wish to contribute even further for a specific item that benefits Roscomare Road Elementary. Please work with Principal Trent or Friends of Roscomare for the latest school wish list. 
  • Donations must be equitable and benefit the entire school or grade level, comply with Roscomare and LAUSD guidelines, and align with F.O.R.’s mission. Note that supplemental donations are in addition to Annual Giving and Classroom Fund participation. 
  • Opportunities include replacement recess equipment, garden upgrades, office furniture updates, replacement library books, and more.